• Transportation tube for Joloda roller installed

Transportation tubes for Joloda rollers

A practical tube container is available for safely storing the practical loading system for trucks or containers. The transport container is easy to attach with the Roweko clamps and ensures safe transport. The tube container is lockable and thus also secures the Joloda scooter against theft.

Tube Length (mm)*Diameter (mm)Weight (kg)
1500 125 x 3,12,3
1500160 x 3,93,8

Article for Ø mmWeight (kg) 
Chassis bracket - round  
Dust cap for lock0,01 

*plus additional components (cover and end piece) totaling 90 mm

Transportation tubes for Joloda rollers (PDF)General catalogue (PDF)


Flange and end piece attached to the tube with VA rivets. The flange is riveted from inside to outside. The flange has a reinforced closing angle. The lid has a Roweko logo (lasered) and is riveted to the flange with a VA hinge. This is sealed with a security rotary bolt (standard: double bit). The latch is extended. 2 plastic keys are supplied.


Chassis bracket - round

2-piece, comprising an M10 stainless steel A2 tube bracket with 65 mm thread, incl. lock nut and U washer, black HD-PE base plate with tube contour and bores.

Transportation tube installed
Chassis bracket installed

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